Results for 'A. H. J. Helmsing'

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  1.  14
    Conditions for Social Entrepreneurship.A. H. J. Helmsing - 2015 - International Journal of Social Quality 5 (1):51-66.
    The concept of social entrepreneurship and enterprise has enjoyed a meteoric rise. Its appeal extends over a broad ideological spectrum, and it embraces a range of activities, from solidarity economy to changes within the capitalist market economy. However, the growing popularity of social enterprise has not gone unchallenged. Some see it as the privatization of social choices that belong in the public and civic domain. This article asks: How is the social constituted in social entrepreneurship? After reviewing why social entrepreneurship (...)
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    The conditioning model of neurosis.H. J. Eysenck - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):155-166.
    The long-term persistence of neurotic symptoms, such as anxiety, poses difficult problems for any psychological theory. An attempt is made to revive the Watson-Mowrer conditioning theory and to avoid the many criticisms directed against it in the past. It is suggested that recent research has produced changes in learning theory that can be used to render this possible. In the first place, the doctrine of equipotentiality has been shown to be wrong, and some such concept as Seligman's “preparedness” is required, (...)
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  3. Moral rights and animals.H. J. McCloskey - 1979 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-4):23 – 54.
    In Section I, the purely conceptual issue as to whether animals other than human beings, all or some, may possess rights is examined. This is approached via a consideration of the concept of a moral right, and by way of examining the claims of sentience, consciousness, capacities for pleasure and pain, having desires, possessing interests, self-consciousness, rationality in various senses. It is argued that only beings possessed actually or potentially of the capacity to be morally self-determining can be possessors of (...)
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    Forgiveness.H. J. N. Horsbrugh - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):269 - 282.
    There appear to be a number of general things which can be said about forgiveness. If these are left sufficiently vague they seem to be applicable to all the situations in which the term is used.First, there can be no question of forgiveness unless an injury has been inflicted on somebody by a moral agent. There must be something to forgive; and the injury that is to be forgiven must be one for which a moral agent can be held responsible. (...)
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  5. Privacy and the Right to Privacy.H. J. McCloskey - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (211):17 - 38.
    The right to privacy is one of the rights most widely demanded today. Privacy has not always so been demanded. The reasons for the present concern for privacy are complex and obscure. They obviously relate both to the possibilities for very considerable enjoyment of privacy by the bulk of people living in affluent societies brought about by twentieth-century affluence, and to the development of very efficient methods of thoroughly and systematically invading this newly found privacy. However, interesting and important as (...)
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  6. Aspectual classes and aspectual composition.H. J. Verkuyl - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (1):39 - 94.
    This paper is a critical examination of Vendler's well-known aspectual classes (states, activities, accomplishments, achievements). It is argued that it not classes that play a role in the explanation of aspectual phenomena but rather some specific semantic factors from which aspectual classes can be constructed, in particular factors inherent to the (lexical) verb and to the determiners of noun phrases.
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  7.  39
    The Complexity of the Concepts of Punishment.H. J. McGloskey - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (142):307 - 325.
    Many contemporary philosophers writing on punishment seek to show that much of the dispute between retributionists and utilitarians springs from a failure on the part of both parties to elucidate the concept of punishment. The writers are usually utilitarians who seek to show that what is true in the retributive theory is simply a point about the concept of punishment, and that for the rest, the morality of punishment is to be explained in terms of the utilitarian theory. Those who (...)
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  8. Plotinus in later platonism.H. J. Blumenthal - 1981 - In A. H. Armstrong, H. J. Blumenthal & R. A. Markus, Neoplatonism and early Christian thought: essays in honour of A.H. Armstrong. London: Variorum Publications.
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  9. The psychology of (?) Simplicius' commentary on the de Anima.H. J. Blumenthal - 1982 - In H. J. Blumenthal & Antony C. Lloyd, Soul and the structure of being in late neoplatonism: Syrianus, Proclus, and Simplicius: papers and discussions of a colloquium held at Liverpool, 15-16 April 1982. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
  10. Aluminium and health.H. J. Gitelman - forthcoming - A Critical Review.
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    Hair!H. J. Levy - 1968 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 62 (4):135.
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  12.  79
    Abusing Use1.H. J. Glock - 1996 - Dialectica 50 (3):205-224.
    summaryThis paper discusses objections against the idea that the meaning of a word is its use. Sct. 1 accepts Rundle's point that ‘meaning’ and ‘use’ are used differently, but insists that this is compatible with holding that use determines meaning, an therefore holds the key to conceptual analysis. Scts. 2–4 rebut three lines of argument which claim that linguistic philosophy goes astray by reading into the meaning of words non‐semantic features of its use: Searle's general speech act fallacy charge, Hacker's (...)
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  13. The Moral Case for Experimentation on Animals.H. J. McCloskey - 1987 - The Monist 70 (1):64-82.
    The moral case for experimentation on animals rests both on the goods to be realized, the evils to be avoided thereby, and on the duty to respect persons and to secure them in the enjoyment of their natural moral rights. Some experimentation on animals presents no problems of justification as it involves no harm at all to the animals which are the subject of experiments and is such as to seek to achieve an advance in knowledge. Experiments on non-sentient animals, (...)
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    The categorical imperative.H. J. Paton - 1947 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    A classic exposition of Kant's ethical thought.
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  15.  82
    Rights - some conceptual issues.H. J. McCloskey - 1976 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 54 (2):99 – 115.
    The first section restates and elaborates on my argument in "rights," "philosophical quarterly", 1965, Arguing that rights are not explicable as claims, Powers, Expectations, Liberties. Equally, Statements about rights, Often being logically prior to such statements, Are not reducible to such statements. In section two, This claim is supported by reference to distinctions it is vital to draw between rights, Which do not parallel those to be drawn between kinds of duties. We need to distinguish "real" rights which may be (...)
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  16.  81
    The Einstein shift in Einstein's box experiment.H. -J. Treder - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):135-142.
    The question of whether the Einstein shift in clock rates has a bearing on the validity of the fourth Heisenberg uncertainty relation is discussed. It is shown that, even if one would accept all the relevant assumptions and conclusions of Bohr and Rosenfeld, this uncertainty relation could not be saved by an Einstein shift in the case of an electrostatic weighing. This means that the Einstein shift does not play any role in determining the validity of the fourth Heisenberg relation.
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  17.  64
    Neoplatonic Interpretations of Aristotle on Phantasia.H. J. Blumenthal - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (2):242 - 257.
    The relative neglect of Greek commentary by modern Aristotelian scholarship could be justified, if only the neglectors had sufficient knowledge of the material they disdain. The curt dismissal of ancient views on the active intellect by W. D. Ross is perhaps a paradigm case of misplaced condemnation, for he evidently failed to take account of what their authors were about. It would be open to those who wish to discount these commentators to argue that they were, to a greater or (...)
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  18.  44
    Phylogenetic symbols, past and present.H. J. Lam - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 2 (3):153-194.
    Methoden. Im obigen Artikel ist die „Phylogenie des Stammbaumes” untersucht worden. Beginnend mitHaeckel werden 26 Typen phylogenetischer Symbole kritisch besprochen, d.h. nicht die Resultate, sondern nur die Methoden, z.B. bezüglich Systematik und Phylogenie, lebender und ausgestorbener Organismen, geologischer Perioden, Stufen und homologer Variationen, geographischer Verbreitung, Diversität, etwaiger Bedeutung der Einzelheiten, Mono-, Bi- und Polyrheithrie , usw. Der Faktor Zeit wird dabei für phylogenetische Systeme als der wesentlichste betrachtet. Der Autor hat daher in seinen- neuen Darstellungen die Begriffe „Zeit-Stufen” oder „Zeit-Globen-Oberflächen” (...)
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  19.  80
    Liberalism.H. J. McCloskey - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (187):13 - 32.
    Liberalism is commonly believed, especially by its exponents, to be opposed to interference by way of enforcing value judgments or concerning itself with the individual's morality. My concern is to show that this is not so and that liberalism is all the better for this. Many elements have contributed to liberal thought as we know it today, the major elements being the liberalism of which Locke is the most celebrated exponent, which is based upon a belief in natural, human rights; (...)
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  20.  35
    The Plurality of Moral Standards.H. J. N. Horsburgh - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (111):332 - 346.
    Reinhold Niebuhr, approaching the ethical field as a theologian rather than as a philosopher, has maintained that the Christian ethic is not single and indivisible, but that, on the contrary, it consists of what one might call an absolute ethic and a kind of interim ethic in which the notion of justice is prominent. Without commenting on Niebuhr's work I wish to put forward a view which, although more general than his, is perhaps not without a superficial resemblance to it.
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  21.  49
    Anchises and Aphrodite.H. J. Rose - 1924 - Classical Quarterly 18 (1):11-16.
    This ancient tale has naturally been recognized by modern scholars for what it is—a story of the Great Mother and her paramour; but several features appear to me to have been given less examination than they deserve, in view of their own peculiarity and the obvious antiquity of the myth. That it is pre-Greek is fairly clear from the names of the principal actors. Anchises yields no tolerable meaning in Greek, and we do not know to what speech it belongs—possibly (...)
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  22.  53
    The philosophy of linguistic analysis and the problem of universals.H. J. McCloskey - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (3):329-338.
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  23.  77
    Liberty of expression its grounds and limits (I).H. J. McCloskey - 1970 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 13 (1-4):219 – 237.
    The problem posed in this paper is 'Can those interferences with liberty of expression which are necessary and desirable be indicated in some simple, general way, e.g. in terms of some principle or principles of the kinds with which J. S. Mill sought to delimit the interferences with freedom of action?' It is argued that although J. S. Mill sought to defend 'the fullest freedom of expression', he in fact allowed important interferences of kinds which render the formulation of a (...)
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  24.  35
    Servivs Avctvs and Donatvs.H. J. Thomson - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (3-4):205-.
    Probably few scholars would now doubt that at least the bulk of the matter both of Servius' commentary on Virgil and of the additions to it which were first printed by Daniel descends from Donatus. The problem of these additions has been approached by a number of writers from different directions, and different lines of evidence have been found to converge on one conclusion. An important contribution to the discussion has recently been made by J. J. Savage in a thorough (...)
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  25.  33
    Some Herodotean Rationalisms.H. J. Rose - 1940 - Classical Quarterly 34 (1-2):78-.
    It is no longer the fashion to imagine Herodotos a liar when he tells marvellous stories, for some of his most extraordinary statements have long since been shown to contain at least a substantial measure of truth. It is perhaps not sufficiently realized, however, that on occasion he misleads his readers and himself by too much critical unbelief in his materials and consequent application of the crude methods of mythological investigation then current. In other words, he often rationalizes in the (...)
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    Tibullus 2, 3. 31–2.H. J. Rose - 1944 - Classical Quarterly 38 (3-4):78-.
    The notes of W. S. Maguinness on the Corpus Tibullianum contain several things which strike me as either true or at least highly plausible. In the above passage, however, I think both he and Postgate have missed the point of the first word. Tibullus has been telling the story of how Apollo turned herdsman for love's sake. He insists several times over that it is a story, not a thing he can vouch for. The infinitives in 14 a-c make it (...)
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  27.  46
    Force Majeure : Justification for Active Termination of Life in the Case of Severely Handicapped Newborns after Forgoing Treatment.H. J. J. Leenen & Chris Ciesielski-Carlucci - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (3):271.
    The health of newborns has always been subject to the natural lottery. When in the past a severely disabled baby was born, nature provided the “solution,” and the child did not survive. Medical technology has brought about a change; fetuses who would have died during pregnancy or newborns who once would have had little chance to survive are now kept alive. Although these technological advances do benefit many children, the dark side is that more severely handicapped babies are surviving.When a (...)
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  28.  6
    Fremdheit und Vertrautheit: Hermeneutik im europäischen Kontext.H. J. Adriaanse & Rainer Enskat (eds.) - 1999 - Leuven: Peeters.
    The present volume contains the lectures and papers given at the 1994 international conference on hermeneutics in Halle (Germany). The conference aimed at a state of the art in the light of recent developments in science and humanities. The place in which the conference was held is renowned for its centuries-old tradition in hermeneutics and among the lectures there are indeed some devoted to this history. For the most part, however, the papers concentrate on present-day problems in fields as different (...)
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  29.  57
    The epistemology of causality from the point of view of evolutionary biology.H. J. Barr - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (3):286-288.
    In 1958 I set down some thoughts that arose from an attempt to consider epistemological problems on the assumptions that The biology of the human nervous system is relevant to epistemology and The human nervous system, like every other object of biological investigation, is a product of evolution by natural selection. These thoughts lay more or less neglected until they were brought stunningly to mind by Professor George Gaylord Simpson's [1] recent paper on “Biology and the Nature of Science”. In (...)
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  30.  32
    Clavdivs and the Primores Galliae.H. J. Cunningham - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (02):132-.
    This old difficulty has recently received a new explanation from the pen of Dr. E. G. Hardy . Dr. Hardy believes—and his view has met with some acceptance—that the disability, under which these Gallic candidates for admission to the Senate laboured, was the want of a municipalis origo. Up to this time, he contends, only Romans who were members of a town of Roman or Latin rights were eligible for admission to the Senate. Now in the Tres Galliae there were (...)
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    Problems And Paradigms: Ionising radiations from nuclear establishments and childhood leukaemias – an enigma.H. J. Evans - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (11):541-549.
    The Gardner report, recently published in the UK, showing a correlation between incidence of childhood leukaemia and paternal exposure to ionising radiations (amongst fathers working in nuclear power plants) has added a new element to debates about both the risk factors in nuclear power plants and the relationships between ionising radiations and leukaemogenesis. The epidemiologic and genetic evidence concerning leukaemias is reviewed here and it is concluded that the leukaemogenic agent, whose existence is indicated in the Gardner report, is unlikely (...)
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  32.  47
    Psychoanalysis - myth or science?H. J. Eysenck - 1961 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 4 (1-4):1 – 15.
    In this paper an attempt is made to look at Freud's contribution from the point of view of its scientific validity. A factual survey is made of the results of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, of the kinds of facts and arguments used to support the psychoanalytic doctrine and of the experiments carried out to test it. The conclusion arrived at is that psychoanalysis and the theories associated with it is not a science, but a myth; adherence to it is based on emotion (...)
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    Psychopathology: Type or trait?H. J. Eysenck - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):555-556.
    Mealey proposes two categorical classes of sociopath, primary and secondary. I criticize this distinction on the basis that constructs of this kind have proved unrealistic in personality taxonomy and that dimensional systems capture reality much more successfully. I suggest how such a system could work in this particular context.
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  34. La théologie aux prises avec l'historiographie.H. -J. Gagey & J. -L. Souletie - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):557-583.
    Les principaux problèmes que Bultmann a posés au plan de l’exégèse historique des textes évangéliques étaient commandés par des positions théologiques et continuent pour ce motif à interroger les théologiens catholiques, qui parfois le rejettent dans le camp tantôt du scientisme tantôt du dogmatisme.Contre la théologie libérale des « vies de Jésus », il élève une double protestation, d’ordre christologique : il revendique le caractère historique de la foi chrétienne, et historique : il prend au sérieux la visée eschatologique de (...)
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  35.  26
    Purpose and Authority in Morals.H. J. N. Horsburgh - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (119):309 - 323.
    The controversy between teleologists and deontologists, whether under these names or in other guises, is one of the long-standing disputes of ethics. In different branches of philosophy the perennial nature of a dispute may point to different things: in some, for example, it may properly incline one to say “a plague on both your houses” and thereafter to look for some way of disposing of the whole problem around which the philosophical problem has raged; in ethics, on the other hand, (...)
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  36.  32
    Faith and Logic.H. J. Paton - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (127):357 - 360.
    The most surprising development of philosophy in recent years has been the sudden interest, friendly or hostile, in theology—or at least in the philosophy of religion. Hence the present volume, Faith and Logic , appears at a propitious time. As a series of essays composed by teachers of theology or philosophy in the University of Oxford it follows in the succession of Essays and Reviews , Lux Mundi , and Foundations . Like all of these works it endeavours to adjust (...)
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  37. Problems for Broome’s Cognitivist Account of Instrumental Reasoning.Jeppe Berggreen Høj - 2010 - Acta Analytica 25 (3):299-316.
    In this paper, I examine an account of instrumental reasoning recently put forth by John Broome. His key suggestion is that anyone who engages in reasoning about his intentions also believes that he will do what he intends to do and that combined with a belief about necessary means this creates rational pressure towards believing that one will take the necessary means. I argue that Broome’s model has three significant problems; his key premise is false—the sincere expression of an intention (...)
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  38.  30
    Justice among Nations.H. J. Paton - 1942 - Philosophy 17 (68):291 - 303.
    In the world as we know it to-day it may seem foolish even to speak of such a thing as justice among nations. Whatever we may say about justice within the nation—and even within nations justice seems to have disappeared over a large portion of the globe—it appears obvious that the relation of one nation to another is determined, not by justice, but by force. The state of nature so gloomily described by Hobbes as the condition out of which men (...)
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  39.  27
    Moral Black- and whitemail.H. J. N. Horsburgh - 1975 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):23 – 38.
    ?Moral Black? and Whitemail? is a study of those modes of action which involve what I propose to call ?a raising of the moral stakes?. Illustration: A wants B to do X, and B wants to do Y; so A creates a situation in which doing Y would either be morally objectionable or more objectionable than it would have been but for A's intervention. Such modes of action include all the varieties of moral blackmail as well as such practices as (...)
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  40.  9
    Revolutions, Systems and Theories: Essays in Political Philosophy.H. J. Johnson, J. J. Leach & R. G. Muehlmann - 1979 - Springer.
    In spite of the seeming heterogeneity of topics in its title - Revolutions, Systems, and Theories - this volume purports to be something more than a random collection of Essays in Political Philosophy. The Colloquium of the Philosophy Department of the University of Western Ontario (29-31 Octo­ ber, 1971) at which initial versions of the first eight papers were delivered was entitled 'Political Theory'; and while the organizers anticipated and indeed welcomed topicality in the issues accorded priority arid in the (...)
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    De Semantiek Van "Two Dogmas of Empiricism".H. J. Kaptein - forthcoming - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte.
    Quine seems to maintain that there is no sharp distinction between analytic and synthetic sentences, and also that 'analytic' and 'synthetic' have no meaning. the dependence of these concepts on 'meaning' is used to show the incompatibility of these two interpretations of quine's conception of the analytic and the synthetic, and to show that both have a paradoxical character of their own. that may threat reductionist semantics as a whole. still the need for a totally different (rationalistic, essentialistic) semantics may (...)
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  42.  36
    Selection of patients.H. J. J. Leenen - 1982 - Journal of Medical Ethics 8 (1):33-36.
    The author joins the discussion on selection of patients in the face of life-saving resources initiated in the Journal by Parsons and Lock, Mooney and the editorial in the December 1980 issue. In this article several selection systems are discussed. The author is in favour of a `criteria-system'. The criteria for such a system are elaborated. On the basis of a sequence of values a sequence of criteria is proposed. Attention is also given to the procedural aspects.
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    Ethics, Metaphysics and Sociology.H. J. McCloskey - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):109 - 138.
    The three works to be examined here are concerned in their various ways with the rationality of ethics. Baier is concerned almost exclusively with bringing out the rationality of ethics, and in the process develops a new/old ethical theory. Ginsberg's concern with "the rational ethic" is rather subsidiary to his main themes, namely the unsoundness of cultural relativism and the truth concerning the relevance of the findings of sociology and other social sciences to ethics. Mackinnon is largely concerned with the (...)
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  44. Limits to freedom of expression.H. J. McCloskey - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (1):47-58.
    This article examines the bases and limits to the right to liberty of expression. Both the extreme libertarian and the orthodox liberal views are rejected. Against them, It is argued that the right to liberty is to be defended both as a prima facie intrinsic moral right derivative from man's autonomy and as a conditional right deriving from man's right to access to intrinsic goods including knowledge, True belief, Self-Development. The rights so derived are not absolute rights, But rights to (...)
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  45.  27
    Some Concepts of Cause.H. J. Mccloskey - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):586 - 607.
    1. We speak of causes in a large variety of contexts and in respect of a large variety of kinds of effects. For instance, we speak of one billiard ball causing the other to move; of diseases as causing death; of drunkenness as a cause of accidents; of the elasticity of the rubber as causing the balloon not to burst under pressure; of the change in temperature as causing the change in the length of the steel girder; of the lemon's (...)
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  46.  23
    The Problem of Liberalism.H. J. McCloskey - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (2):248 - 275.
    Many, including some celebrated liberal theorists, defend liberty on empirical, prudential, utilitarian grounds such that if practical considerations or changed circumstances were to make intolerance more useful than tolerance, they would be committed to a policy of intolerance. Their theories are therefore liberal only contingently. They cannot be denied the title "liberal," for, apart from historical usage, a theory is liberal if it proceeds on the basis of a high evaluation of liberty whether or not the evaluation rests purely on (...)
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  47. Constructional morphology of photoreceptor patterns in percomorph fish.H. J. Meer - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (1).
    The frequently occurring photoreceptor patterns in fish are explained using functional and environmental demands in a geometric model. The shape of the double cone provides a number of constructional properties leading to a limited number of appropriate configurations. The probability of their occurrence is estimated from the degree to which the combination of properties of each configuration meets specific environmental light conditions. A row pattern of merely double cones is especially suitable for vision in a dim homochromatic environment; a triangular (...)
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    The views of haeckel in the light of genetics.H. J. Muller - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (3):313-322.
    The extent to which Ernst Haeckel was hated and attacked by reactionary scientists, philosophers, litterateurs and preachers, is, as Lenin has pointed out in his “Materialism and Empirocriticism,” a measure of the success with which he originally expounded the results of natural science and drove them home to their logical conclusions in the interpretation of nature on a materialistic basis. Haeckel, in the days of his greatest mental vigor, made himself the spearhead of the scientific attack upon the then dominant (...)
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    Modelling asynchrony in automatic speech recognition using loosely coupled hidden Markov models.H. J. Nock & S. J. Young - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (3):283-301.
    Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have been successful for modelling the dynamics of carefully dictated speech, but their performance degrades severely when used to model conversational speech. Since speech is produced by a system of loosely coupled articulators, stochastic models explicitly representing this parallelism may have advantages for automatic speech recognition (ASR), particularly when trying to model the phonological effects inherent in casual spontaneous speech. This paper presents a preliminary feasibility study of one such model class: loosely coupled HMMs. Exact model (...)
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    Quelques remarques sur l'holisme dans la pensée grecque.H. J. Pos - 1943 - Acta Biotheoretica 7 (3-4):183-192.
    Die griechische Weltauffassung unterscheidet sich van der modernen durch den Gedanken der Begrenztheit des Weltalls, das sich dem spekulativen Blick seinem Wesen nach erschliesst. Die inPlaton's Timaios gipfelnde Kosmologie bestimmt das Weltall nach den Wesensgesichtspunkten der Endlichkeit, der Einzigkeit, der Lebendigkeit und der Vollkommenheit.Platon's Holismus bezieht die leblose und die lebende Natur unter die Idee des Lebens des Kosmos, dessen „Teile” die in der Erfahrung gegebenen Lebenserscheinungen sind. Sein von innen her und intuitiv aufgebautes Weltbild, das die Erscheinungen von oben (...)
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